The idea is to keep it simple, allowing players to show up, grab a table, pull out a title that they want to play, and start gaming.

Bring along your favourites!

Bring along your own games to play! We want you to play what you want to play! Please make sure your games are labelled or identified in some way as belonging to you so they don’t get mixed up with other games.

Lending Library

KingCon! will have an extensive library of games on loan from our local gamers that attendees are welcome to sign out and use while they are at the convention. 

These games have been provided on loan from several of our local gamers out of their personal collections.  Please treat all games with care and respect.  

Games borrowed from the Lending Library are to remain in the gaming hall at all times.

Signing a game out:

  1. Choose a game from the Lending Library
  2. Speak to a Command Centre volunteer. They will:
    1. Record the name of the game
    2. Record your name
    3. Ask you for a piece of identification or collateral to leave at the Command Centre (e.g Driver’s License, Student ID, Health Card, etc.)
  • must have name/other identifying information of at least one person who will be playing the game 
  • if nobody in your group has a piece of identification of this type, please speak to a Command Centre volunteer to make an alternate arrangement.

Returning a game:

  • Please return games after one playthrough or one hour (whichever is longer) – please do not monopolize a game
  • Games must be returned with pieces and components organized and ready for the next players
  • Games must be returned by closing time each night – there is no overnight lending
  • Check your game back in with a Command Centre volunteer, and retrieve your identification

Games borrowed from the Lending Library must remain in the gaming hall at all times.

Play to Win!

Would you like to win a new game or two? We are offering an interesting way for you to try to do just that! We will have selected games available to play throughout the convention and on Sunday afternoon we will randomly draw from those who have played each game and that attendee will take that game home! Click here for more information!

Need space for a game?

Got a huge game that never gets tabled due to space? Bring it along to KingCon!. We’ll find a way to accommodate your gaming space needs so you can sit down and start playing! Any questions about table space requirements or other board game issues should be directed to the Command Centre.

Looking to learn how to play a game? We can help!

Do you have a game that you want to learn to play? We will have volunteers available to teach a variety of games during KingCon! Please check at the Command Centre and we will connect you with someone who can help!