Would you like the chance to win a copy of a new game? We are offering an interesting way for you to try to do just that! We will have selected games available to play throughout the convention, and on Sunday afternoon, we will randomly draw from those who have played each game, and that attendee will take that game home!

More about how Play to Win works…

  1. Sign out a game on this shelf (with a red P2W dot on it) with a KingCon! Command Centre volunteer
  2. Play the game!
  3. Return the game. Each player who played it may sign their name on the recording sheet for a chance to win the game at the end of the weekend. Entries to this list must be supervised  by a volunteer at KingCon! Command.

Special Notes:

  • A non-playing teacher of the game can also earn an entry on a Play to Win recording sheet (please confirm their participation with a KingCon! volunteer)
  • One entry per person per Play to Win game

Draw – 1pm on Sunday

  • The recording sheet for each Play to Win game will be used to do a randomized draw of all players – the chosen person goes home with the game! 
  • Only those present at the time of the draw are eligible – if you will not be present, please designate someone (on the recording sheet) who will collect your prize for you.   If you are not present and there is no designated name recorded another draw will be made for the prize.


For additional information or help learning the games, please speak with a KingCon! volunteer at the Command Centre.